Becoming Our Best


Recently my computer strangely decided to destroy all my e-mail addresses. With approximately 250 people on the list, that's a major calamity. I had written down some of these addresses; and had backed up my "Contacts" file from the e-mail program on another disk. Guess what? For some strange reason, the names could not be accessed and I still had no e-mail addresses. Ugh! Finally I remembered that my wife, Martha had most of that data in her computer. Then I was able to successfully transfer the addresses to my computer via a disk.

So what did I learn from this experience that might help you?

• Always back up important computer data weekly or more frequently

• Keep the backup data at a location different from your computer

• Check to see if you can actually get at the data already backed up

• Put the complete e-mail program and its data on another computer, if possible

• Don't give up! There is usually a way to get at the backup data

This lesson carries over into much of our business life, I believe. Whenever possible, have a backup or "Plan B" to use if something goes wrong with a system or strategy. Maybe even a "Plan C". Keep key people informed about these alternate plans. Then concentrate on getting "Plan A" done well.

Creating a backup is a pain to think about in the heat of battle. But when you need it, you'll need it bad. Take the extra time to develop that alternate strategy. You'll sleep better at night knowing that you've done what you can to prepare for the eventualities.

Author: Bruce Johnsen Management Consultant:
824 Munras Ave Suite G
Monterey, CA 93940

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